So, why rest on Cuba is so attractive to tourists? It speaks rather simply: smart beaches, savannas, rainforests, bewitching nature, coral reeves, warm Caribbean Sea, revolutionary surroundings
Here the atmosphere of goodwill and a general incessant holiday set in.
Cubans very are positive to vacationers. They with pleasure invite tourists to various actions and festivities. It is necessary to thank the assistant for big service by a small bottle of good rum.
Bulk of visitors of Cuba – people of middle class.
The capital of the Island of Freedom is Havana. The largest cities: Trinidad, Camaguey, Guantanamo.
It is a little about customs of locals and rules of conduct
Cubans very much love dogs. Practically the couple of such animals lives in each house. But cats here not in honor. They live mainly on garbage cans.
It is forbidden to photograph military, industrial facilities and military equipment.
Bulk of visitors of Cuba – people of middle class Bulk of visitors of Cuba – people of middle class
Observe standard security measures – values, don’t take documents with yourself needlessly, don’t drink water from under the crane, and also don’t eat food in doubtful institutions.
For movement across Cuba the taxi is simpler to use, than to try to wait for buses. They are nekomfortabelna and run not to timetable.
It is rather simple to lease the car. Rules of receiving the car and requirements imposed to the driver are standard. It is worth remembering that on minor roads there can be no road marking.
Numbers of cars in Cuba multi-colored: state – blue, private – yellow, and for tourist vehicles red color is provided. On such cars the local police treats insignificant violations rather loyally.
Climate of Cuba
Here tropical climate with trade winds, and high temperatures aren’t so noticeable, thanks to influence of the ocean. Average temperature in winter January days makes + 22 °C, and in summer August nights reaches + 28 °C. So, average temperature in a year + 25 °C. Humidity is rather high. Traditionally there are two climatic periods: damp and dry.
People direct on rest without thinking about a season here. It is quite explainable, in Cuba it is possible to restore the forces, for example, in the resort of Varadero one of the best beaches in the world is located. It is considered very comfortable and pure.
Accommodation in Cuba
In Cuba a huge number of hotels of world brands, but most often they are the Spanish. The bulk of the hotels constructed on the coast works on system “all inclusive” and offers drinks of local production.
It is possible to go to Cuba even with children. Acclimatization will take place rather easily. Many hotels are counted for accommodation together with kids. For them in the adjacent territory attractions and playgrounds are organized.
Cuban cuisine
In Cuba the Creole cuisine reigns, pork and a chicken is recognized as basic elements. A favourite dish of Cubans “Creole ахиако” – the food created from in a special way the made vegetables and the pork which is generously seasoned with spices. By all means it is necessary to try spiny lobsters with lemon juice, and also the entertainments made of meat of a crocodile and a turtle. Cubans eat the mass of fruit and give them to each meal.
Coffee is cooked in a special way, watching its fortress and sweet. To traditional national drinks besides rum, the set of the various cocktails made on its basis, for example, by a mojito and a daiquiri belongs.
Good restaurants usually are in tourist zones and large megalopolises, such as Havana. In other places the greatest distribution was gained by snackbars where hot dogs and sandwiches will be offered the tourist.
Entertainments and interesting places in Cuba
Pinar del Rio it is attractive for vacationers not only amazing natural beauty, but also the tobacco plantations. A particular interest national parks (for example, park of Soroa) have, the palace Guash, cigarette factory “Francisco Donatyen”, the local museum, tremendous Viñales Valley and Milanes theater.
Havana focuses in itself the mass of the directions for adventure tourism. Here vacationers will find a set of beaches where tourists will be able to retire. Eskaleras-de-Haruko is interesting by steep rocks, grottoes and perfectly is suitable for admirers of speleology. Besides, in the province the Museum of humour and place of production of popular Havana Club rum is located.
However, this very fluent acquaintance to local sights, actually everything is much more large-scale. In Cuba the set of excursions will be organized. We will tell, one of the most widespread assumes visit of the colony of a flamingo consisting of 7000 individuals. This show really fascinating!
The main advantages of diving in Cuba – an opportunity to admire almost virgin ecosystems, and also wonderful climatic conditions and a remarkable level of development of the diving industry.
This very incomplete description of Cuba, how tourist direction, but what to you prevents to see everything personally?