There are three deserts of the Sahara, Kalahari and Namib on the African continent. Of these, the main one is the Sahara, which stretches for 5,150 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and 2,000 kilometers from the Mediterranean Sea to the Sahel savannah belt.
The beauty of the Sahara is peculiar, there are huge drying salt lakes, changing sandy figures, distant snowy mountains. An inquisitive person will be interested in all this. Of course, such a trip will not remind you of an excursion to the ancient castles of France, but for a positive-minded traveler it will bring so many interesting and unprecedented things that will be remembered for many years.
There is also water in the Sahara, it’s just artfully hidden, like many of the beauties of the desert. There are underground aquifers under most of the Sahara. They have the shape of a saucer, through the edges of which rainwater seeps. Sometimes underground water is under pressure, water can be stored there for hundreds of years.
In the oasis, you can also see an underground river coming to the surface. In the north, water flows mainly from the Atlas Mountains and the highlands of Tunisia, Libya, Morocco and Algeria.
There are many grasses and shrubs along the banks of temporary watercourses. Magnificent green date palms grow near the riverbeds. In western Sahara, next to the trees, you can see the clay houses of the Berbers.
The plants of the Sahara have adapted to the harsh conditions of the desert. Salt-tolerant plants grow in the lowlands, and on the hills you can find cypresses, olives, acacia, wormwood and various herbs. The larger the oasis, the more vegetation there is around.
Animals are also found in the desert: jerboa, gerbils, mice, hares, ferrets, mongooses, foxes, jackals. There are more than 300 species of migratory birds in the Sahara, but there are also birds that live in different parts of the desert. You look at this lifeless landscape and it’s hard to believe that there is life hidden from the eyes.
Most animals don’t go outside during the day. They make their homes in the mountains, where there is protection from the sun and predators.
Among the lifeless sands of the desert, oases are scattered like islands. Nowhere will you see such green juicy greenery as in the oasis. The night landscape in the desert under the twinkling stars and the moon cannot be compared with any landscape in the world. You can’t tell about this miracle in words, you need to see it.
You can travel through the desert on camels, jeeps, on simple sections – on foot. The tourists are accompanied by locals, silent Tuaregs, with whom you will definitely make friends during the trip. You can arrange an overnight stay – in a tent, in an open-air sleeping bag, and even in a hotel.
They travel across the Sahara from October to March, all the dangerous inhabitants of the desert are asleep at this time. So you don’t have to be afraid of snakes and scorpions. After spending a few days in the desert, you will get a powerful boost of energy, relax from civilization, listen to silence, your eyesight and hearing will sharpen.
In the crystal purity of the night, the stars seem so close that you can touch them with your hand. And in the morning the sun shines its rays on pink sand, endless dunes and tiny silhouettes of people and camels against the background of huge sand hills. The Sahara Desert will give you all this fabulous beauty!