Austrians are reserved in the expression of feelings, but they love holidays. Probably, a piece of Slavic blood affects. After all, three cultures have mixed in the country – Slavic, Romance and Germanic. Hence the ability to celebrate and have fun from the heart. Especially the residents love the national holidays of Austria.
Officially, Austria celebrates 13 holidays, only 3 of them are civil. The rest of the holidays are religious. Each federal state has its own traditions of celebration.
On January 6, the Day of the Epiphany or the feast of the Three Kings is celebrated. On this day, it is customary to arrange a family dinner after evening Mass. The family gathers for dinner at midnight, sweets and traditional treats are put on the table. Mummers in long white shirts and crowns walk around the houses.
Austria’s National Day is celebrated on October 26. In Vienna, festive events are held on Heroes’ Square. Austrians go out of town for a picnic, arrange nature walks. For many— it is a favorite national holiday in Austria.
There is also a special, unofficial holiday that Vienna holds – these are the Viennese Balls, which attract celebrities from all over the world. Balls are held according to a special protocol, debutants open it, a performance takes place at midnight, closing in the morning. The history of Viennese balls goes back to the first half of the XIX century, when everyone – both nobles and commoners took part in dances.
On officially accepted holidays in Austria, days off are declared.