Our planet has plenty of virgin places where no man has entered. However, the major part of its surface has been discovered successfully. Let’s find out the most stunning places on it and make a rating of 5 cities in the world that hit the fancy.

11st Place – London

It is not likely that somebody can argue that London is number one in top 5 most beautiful places on Earth. You may discuss its numerous monuments, buildings, museums, squares, streets and bridges for many hours, starting, for example, from Big Ben or Tower Bridge. London is also well-known financial and business centre.

This is the result of the main part of such surveys.
We are different. Some people like historical monuments while others are fond of modern architecture. Undoubtedly, better visit all mentioned places, understand their beauty and keep their charm in your heart, than argue.
Travel, find new ways, discover new horizons and remember: life is too short to give up the opportunity to try something new, especially if it is connected with cognition of the world around us.
