Death Valley (desert of Death Valley, Mojave Desert) – the place where not each traveler will risk to go: temperature is +46 degrees, easy sandstorms, the lifeless territory and annual news in style: “In Death Valley the tourist/traveller/child / the young man / journalist / still somebody died”. But in this flirtation with death there is the charm, as attracts the tourists from around the world dreaming to study local sights, to throw down a challenge to itself and the nature here.

Death Valley (desert of Death Valley, Mojave Desert) – the place where not each traveler will risk to go: temperature is +46 degrees

As for those who purposefully seek out the company of sharks they clearly have a death wish. Because shark attacks on humans around the world are exceedingly rare despite popular belief to the contrary.


Theatrical performances in the spirit of last times

To draw attention of tourists, local rangers carry out the whole representations. In them it is told about terrible time of “gold-rush”, about thirst of wealth, destiny of Indians, pioneer settlements and many other.
