Death Valley (desert of Death Valley, Mojave Desert) – the place where not each traveler will risk to go: temperature is +46 degrees, easy sandstorms, the lifeless territory and annual news in style: “In Death Valley the tourist/traveller/child / the young man / journalist / still somebody died”. But in this flirtation with death there is the charm, as attracts the tourists from around the world dreaming to study local sights, to throw down a challenge to itself and the nature here.

Death Valley (desert of Death Valley, Mojave Desert) – the place where not each traveler will risk to go: temperature is +46 degrees

As for those who purposefully seek out the company of sharks they clearly have a death wish. Because shark attacks on humans around the world are exceedingly rare despite popular belief to the contrary.


Ubekhebe’s crater – a volcano which still “breathes”

The young volcano the first time vyprysnut a killing lava 2 000 years ago. But when you come to be here, all scientific knowledge won’t make sense. Your sight will say that near a volcano there is a boiling lava; and at a touch will seem that temperature of a surface is more than 50 degrees. Such impression is made due to the lack of vegetation and high temperature of air.
The type of a crater forces to stop breath for couple of seconds: 200 meters in depth, 500 meters in the diameter and a snow-white pink and red slope make impression. Also do it even in case you – the tourist tempted with sights.

Death Valley