How can rural life be attractive for a city dweller? What can interest tourists? What can the village offer interesting, informative and useful? Such a list of issues now occupies many entrepreneurs who are already engaged in rural tourism or intend to do so.
Rural tourism is diverse. This is also agrotourism, that is, the opportunity to grow something yourself, weed the beds, stir the hay, water the garden, take care of the animals, and get the rights to a tractor and work on a tractor. And ethnotourism is immersion in the original culture of the people through its traditions, rituals, cuisine. And ecotourism is an opportunity to breathe fresh air, be quiet, go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, swim at dawn in a forest lake. Apitourism (one of the new and fashionable directions of rural tourism), the purpose of which is to get acquainted with the culture of beekeeping and visit apiaries. Enotourism – a visit to the winery with an excursion and wine tasting. And event tourism – visiting various events, festivals, field days, etc. And much more!
What attracts citizens in rural tourism? First of all, of course, the opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and escape from the everyday cycle of life. Clean air, silence around and a leisurely rhythm of life. For lovers of outdoor activities, for example, mowing is an excellent exercise for the development of the muscles of the back and hips!) And cooking breakfast on your own in a rustic oven is a whole adventure! And how sweetly he falls asleep in the hayloft, inhaling the aroma of fragrant hay!…
Many have no grandmothers left in the villages, but people want to introduce their children to the village culture, let them feel the charm of free village life, and feel themselves again, as in childhood, with their grandmother in the village. It is rural tourism that will allow someone to return to childhood for a couple of days, and someone just to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Many people note that children are very happy to communicate with nature, and how much affection is caused by hatched chickens!) Also, it becomes a discovery for “urban” children that a cow likes to eat watermelon rind, and a flock of fry in a village river is able to ignite real fishing passions!
In the villages themselves, there is no need to create expensive facilities to attract tourists, and the budgets of rural settlements will not pull such financial expenses, but it is possible to create small elements to fill the leisure time of the guests of the village. Tourists are attracted by an unusual opportunity to see how, for example, tabani is baked (Tabani is a national Udmurt dish) right on the street. And if you also give the guests the opportunity to pull out a hot frying pan with steaming tobacco from the stove!
Cultural centers conduct excursions, talk about local traditions and customs. Tourists take part in fun and rituals, are treated to dishes of traditional cuisine. Russian Russian villages, of course, should not lose sight of the national Russian round dance, which used to be attended by all the villagers from young to old. In order for tourists to learn something while they are visiting the village, master classes on cooking national dishes or master classes on sewing a Russian sundress or teaching some element of national embroidery / craft are held. In the villages, tournaments are held on traditional Russian games, for example, grandmothers, towns, lapta. Now these games are completely forgotten, but they will be very interesting to young guests from the city. Tourists will also enjoy cycling in the surrounding area, and especially horseback riding. You can also build a bathhouse in black – this is a curiosity. A great idea is to create routes, including hiking. Tourists coming to rest in guest houses can visit interesting objects nearby.
Rural tourism projects help not only to support the hinterland, breathe new life into it, but also allow preserving national identity and culture. Choose houses for living, tours and leisure on the Rosagroturizm portal.Russia and plunge into rural tourism with your head.