Situated in the Pacific, Nauru is one of the smallest countries and smallest republic in the world. Mining and other industries has made this country quite rich, but it has also led to unhindered exploitation of natural resources, culture, and social patterns. Though, tourism is not exactly on the top of activities here, there are some of the finest beaches and incomparable diving and sport fishing activities that makes up for everything else.
There is not much sightseeing to do in this small country. Most of the tourists coming here indulge themselves in diving, sports fishing, and other water sports activities. The country has some of the finest reefs in the world and underwater world is amazing. Entire island can be walked around in a day and if you still have some time to spent then go for playing golf and tennis.
There is not much known about the early history of Nauru and like many other islands in Pacific, the world came to know about it only in the last phase of 18th century. John Fern was the first westerner who saw this island and named it Pleasant Island , due to its pleasant climate. In the next few decades many colonies of Europeans established here. They introduced the islanders to gun and new diseases that destroyed their culture and reduced their population drastically. At the end of 19th century, some Britishers noticed the amount of solid phosphate here which was very much in demand in Europe . Mining was started that posed more dangers to local population. For the ownership of this island there was continuous struggle between Britain , Germany , Japan , and Australia . The country gained full independence in 1968, but European powers forsake their control on mining of phosphate only in 1970. In 1973, Australia , Britain , and New Zealand signed agreement to compensate the country for the devastation they caused before independence. Today, large amount of money is being used to rehabilitate the destroyed landscape.
There are spectacularly beautiful waters to dive, magnificent jungles to trek; birds to watch, sunsets to dream about, palm fringed beaches and a rich diversity of culture to observe and enjoy.
Coral pinnacles lend an eeriness to the landscape of Nauru , the airline’s home base. They are the legacy of a century of mining rich phosphate deposits which are now almost depleted. In 1798, the english explorer, Captain John Fearn presumed to name Nauru " Pleasant Island ". Nauru was the leader in opening up the glories of the Central Pacific to travellers by estabilshing the region’s first modern international airline.