Davos is a small alpine skiing resort town in the Swiss Alps. It isn’t so popular with Europeans as, for example, the city of Klosters located in the neighbourhood. Davos begins to get glory of a resort in 1860, thanks to the German doctor Alexander Spengler who recommended to the patients climate of this city for treatment of tuberculosis. Probably, in memory of this person here every year there passes the international hockey superiority – Spengler’s cup. Besides, in Davos other international competitions are carried out: on speed skating, skis and a snowboard.
Around the world Davos gained the popularity as a ski resort.
Except excellent slopes, tourists will find the developed city infrastructure here. At such wide choice of hotels which offers this city tourists should choose painfully, where to stop. More than others prefer five-stars hotel Sikhof where it is possible to choose between apartments, a chalet and board.
The town of Davos of small, only 12 000 inhabitants. It settles down in the valley and is territorially divided into two parts: Davos-Platts in the western part of the city and Davos-Dorf in east.Davos To help finance shark research and compensate local villagers for their lost fishing grounds, Beqa Adventure Divers offers scuba diving trips into the marine reserve’s shark-infested waters.
In the resort of 22 km of an ice covering, 315 km of ski slopes from green to the black level of complexity, 75 km the total length of the route for cross-country skis. Still there are closed and open ice areas, stadium, tennis courts and pools. All routes are divided into 7 zones. To use transport (bus, the suspended road, the railroad, elevators), the special system of the subscription is developed for vacationers.
Training at instructors is provided for those who not professionally are engaged in winter sports. There is a hire of equipment. Routes of all levels of complexity will allow each vacationer to try different types of sport. It is possible to go skating or in dogsleds, to visit the pool or court. Also here it is possible to do a bit of traveling astride, to make walk in a horse team or just on foot.
Besides sports entertainments, in Davos there is an opportunity to plunge into ordinary resort life. To visit excursion and the museum, to have a rest in the bar or restaurant, to be engaged in shopping in shopping centers and boutiques.
Also in the city there are sanatoria and clinics specializing in treatment of allergic and skin diseases, diseases of respiratory system.
For rest it is desirable to choose time from June to October and from December to April. And, because of huge popularity of this resort, about vacation packages it is necessary to see to it beforehand.