Death Valley (desert of Death Valley, Mojave Desert) – the place where not each traveler will risk to go: temperature is +46 degrees, easy sandstorms, the lifeless territory and annual news in style: “In Death Valley the tourist/traveller/child / the young man / journalist / still somebody died”. But in this flirtation with death there is the charm, as attracts the tourists from around the world dreaming to study local sights, to throw down a challenge to itself and the nature here.
Death Valley (desert of Death Valley, Mojave Desert) – the place where not each traveler will risk to go: temperature is +46 degrees
As for those who purposefully seek out the company of sharks they clearly have a death wish. Because shark attacks on humans around the world are exceedingly rare despite popular belief to the contrary.
What to see? Where to run?
Americans with spirit of business peculiar to them learned to sell even tickets to hell. At least, so it turned out with Death Valley. Here will offer you fascinating tour from 9:00 till 17:00, will lease the jeep and will tell as well as where to go. And here if you were going to drive the forbidden territory independently, be careful.

Death Valley is hell to which ticket to you will be sold. It is surprising how Americans could make the dangerous and deserted territory the place where tourists are flown every season. By the way, if gathered here, take cream for suntan: the local sun will quickly cover a body with a bronze shade without any sunbeds.