Italy – a tourist mecca of Europe. However not all to liking the “standard” rest offered by the majority of tour operators. Every year more and more tourists choose independent rest in Italy. So, you will be able, to plan places which visit also duration of your stay in the country.
Preparation for travel has to include carefully developed route. Plus needs to be remembered that with itself it is necessary to take Italy guide. If you have an opportunity, reserve hotels in advance in those places where you will stop. To you it will be also necessary to decide to move what type of transport you across Italy. It can be railway transport, buses or planes, ideal (but also the most expensive) the way is to rent a car.
Before a trip you should take care of an insurance in case you get to incident, your insurance company will undertake all expenses.
The tourist center of Italy is first of all Rome. The most convenient type of transport in the capital of Italy are buses. Movement on public transport is convenient, quickly and quite economically. It is the best of all to eat at small small restaurants and cafe where the dense lunch or a dinner will cost you no more than 20 Euros.
Money can be held on a plastic card, even you will always find the ATM in the smallest small villages, and in shop you will be served by a card.