Rocamadour is a village which became a place for pilgrimage for many tourists. It’s not even about magical location of it, but about the chemistry around – the rest depends on it. Everything, from the whole image to details, is filled with some ancient spirits with a bit of nostalgia. Every year more than 1,5 million come here and it is important for them to feel it right.
The Rocamadour location
The commune is south-west of France in Los Department and it is considered to be the main place to have been used for veneration of the Virgin Mary since the 12th century. The great rulers, artists used to visit this locality (Henri II, Saint Dominic, etc.) Despite the long history, the village looks as if it were frozen in time. Finding yourself there you will turn to be a guest of the mid ages town with all the proper elements:
- Winding bystreets;
- Magnificent stairs which you climb on your knees;
- Sanctuaries of the ancient remains: basilica Saint-Sauveur, Sainte-Anne chapel.
The locality exists thanks to the tourism and pilgrimage. Therefore, the cheese of the same name is produced here.
What else can you find here?
- 9 ancient villages – the witnesses of the events from the past
- A painting “Three dead and three alive” which makes you remember life is short;
- “The House of Bees” – a special museum where you can see exsposures from the world of producing honey;
- Zoo with an eagle cliff and a monkey forest – the place where animals feel they’re at home;
- Mervey – a cave which keeps inside prehistoric rock pictures created with the hands of ancient people;
- Linar – an ancient shelter made in the époque of bronze age rescuing ordinary people from outside threats and big dangers many times;
- Hospitalet. Today it’s ruins of the old asylum – the place where the poor and miserable;
- The outlet of the underground river Uis. You worth see it just to let the nature enchant you one more time, be nicely surprised by nature’s power.
You can wonder forever and ask yourself “How could there be SO MANY cultural and historical see sights in such a small town?” Rocamadour surprises indeed. It’s a place which always opens in a new way. What it’s gonna be this time?