The Dead Sea – unique natural object. The sea is located in a deep hollow and therefore the sunlight has special salutary characteristics. Pass through a big column of air, sunshine “get rid” of a harmful ultraviolet, and become extremely useful. The unique composition of local dirt allows to recover from numerous skin diseases, arthritises.
Rest on the Dead Sea is useful to the asthmatics and people having diseases of respiratory system. Therefore this category of people often buy tours to the Dead Sea in various sanatoria.
Near the sea numerous sanatoria and rest houses where the doctors having the highest category are brought together are located. Each of sanatoria on the Dead Sea specializes in treatment of a certain type of a disease therefore going for treatment it is necessary to learn precisely whether the medical institution chosen by you specializes in your disease. The acquired long-term techniques, a wide experience of doctors and modern technologies allow to guarantee fine results in treatment of numerous diseases.
Enjoys wide popularity as well beach rest near the Dead Sea, numerous excursions arrive to two and one-day excursions here.