The museum building located on Ceyhan Street, is one of the traditional Adana houses built in the 19th century. It is a two storey stone building with projections, and a hip roof. Because of these characteristics, the building was registered by our Ministry as a “Immobile Cultural Heritage to be Conserved” and thus taken under protection.
Atatürk and his wife were guests at this house which belongs to Suphi Pasha from the Ramazanoğulları Dynasty, during his Adana visit of 15 March 1923. The building was expropriated with the initiative of Atatürk Science and Culture Museum Protection and Support Association and with leadership of the then Commander of the armed forces in Adana, Bedreddin Demirel and was restored and started to function as a museum in 1981 under the Museum Directorate.
March 15, the day of Atatürk’s arrival in Adana is celebrated each year with an official ceremony held at this building.
Ground Floor
Scientific Study Room: Holds the bounded volumes of local newspapers Yeni Adana, Türk Sözü, Çukurova and Dirlik which were published during and following the Independence War.
Library : There are about volumes written in the Ottoman language and Turkish (with Latin alphabet). These books were donated to the museum, with Suphi Pasha, Ali Münif Yeğenaga, Gan Girici, Alaatin Tumluer, Nejat Yazıcıoğlu and Kasım Ener as the main donators.
Upper Floor
The Hall: There is a wax statute of Atatürk made by Nevzat Duruak, a retired officer.
Bedroom: Has a brass bed, bed and table covers with silver thread embroidery, two Maraş work armchairs and a wardrobe.
Study: Holds a Maraş work armchair, table, chairs, a telephone instrument, cupboard and a portrait of Atatürk.
Press Room: In a glass case there are bounded Pozantı editions of the newspaper Yeni Adana and the framed pictures of its staff.
Room of The Fighters (Mücahit):Contains the portraits of Gani Girici and some other civilian fighters, medal belonging to Gani Girici and a watch stopped at 9.05, the time of Atatürk’s death.
Living Room: There is a walnut chair, water pipe (nargile) a metal brazier, and kilims and rugs.
Hatay Room: When Atatürk visited Adana a group led by a lady named Ayşe Fıtnat from Hatay, which was at the time under French occupation visited him and presented him with a black rose. Atatürk, in response said that “the Turkish Lands of forty centuries cannot be left in the hands of the enemy”. Mannequins are arranged in this room to represent the occasion. There is also a carved walnut side table, Turkish flag and pictures of various sizes showing delegations from Hatay Republic.
Gun Room: It contains guns and hand guns of various sizes and types, epaulets of the general rank, a scaled model of the house where Atatürk was born, a sample of the stone which was sent to Atatürk’s Mousoleum (Anıtkabir) from Osmaniye and a glassed cupboard holds metal coins from various years.
Aid’s Room: This is the room where Atatürk’s aid stayed. There is a brass bed, bed spread with gold and silver thread embrodiery, a walnut veneered wardrobe, metal jug and basin.
Kuvva-i Milliye (National Independence Army) Room: There is a busts of İsmet İnönü and busts of people who made notable contributions during the Kuvva-i Milliye period and those who initiated the movement.
Atatürk Science and Culture Museum is open to visits every day except Monday. Turkish students and the military personnel can visit the museum free of charge.